Monday, February 25, 2008

Loooong time no blog

Actually, I forgot that I had this blog. Oops. I'll try to see if I can post some things on it more often. I have been knitting a lot lately and I have a lot more that I need to do.
Knitted Items
*Sweater for me (finished December 2007) my very first knitted item.
*Pair of socks for the younger tot. First pair of socks, and I used DPNs
*Fake Fair Isle hat. was intended for Hubby but I held the carry yarn too tight so it is for
the boys instead.
Almost finished items
*Socks for the older tot, AKA the Shrimp Socks. I am nearly done with the heel so then just the
foot to do. The first socks is already done.
On the needles
*Socks for hubby to wear for paintball. About 3 inches into the first sock.
Need to cast on
*Socks for me. Have to decide on pattern and yarn.
*Socks for mom in law. Girl's best friend anklet socks in Cherry Tree Hill, blueberry hill
colorway. These will be started once I finish the Shrimp Socks or I get my 9 inch circular

Crocheted items
Baby blanket for Baby M.
Purple triangle hat
Variety of flowers for swap
Need to finish
weave in ends snowflake afghan
weave in ends jeweled waves
Want to start
need to try to use up a bunch of extra yarn

Well, I think that is about all I can post right now. I want to try to get that Shrimp Sock done soon.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Swap-Bot Scavenger Hunt

I have done some swaps on my crochet site and when I found Swap-bot, I thought that I would join. Here are the pictures for the scavenger hunt. Now lets see if I can post these pics.

Here is a picture that I took of a river, or a creek or maybe it was a pond in Alabama.

Here is a picture of my parents dog, Clancy.

This balloon is the first picture that I took with my big digital camera.

These were some candles that my mother in law had burning at Christmas. I like the star filter that I used.

Here is a blanket that I made for my newest little cousin.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

On the Road Again

We are moving across the country. We are half way there so far. I meant to post things each night on the blog but that just didn't happen. Usually I was just too tired to get the laptop out of the case.
I'll probably go back and edit this and make it look nicer and tell more about the trip on here later when I get more chance.

The super quick highlights
Virginia - We stayed last night in the hotel in Waynesboro and as a fluke I checked my email. Boy and I glad that I did. I won something! I'll post more about that later.
West Virginia -
Kentucky - (we stopped in Shelbyville-home of a really big Saddlebred horse show. Ironically, one of the books that I was reading takes place here. I am a fan of Rita Mae Brown and her newest book, Puss and Cahoots, takes place at the horse show. I would be able to tell you more about it but the packers packed that too) I had to make an emergency yarn purchase here after dinner. It was a lot colder than we expected and the packers had packed up Evan's hat.
Kentucky (the rest of it) I missed Churchhil Downs though. :(
Indiana -I got pictures of the Evansville signs.
Missouri -We got pictures of the Gateway Arch.Had a yummy lunch in St. Louis at a barbarque place called Bandana's (or something close to that) Then we stopped at Pete's for the night.
Missouri- We left the snow behind (no one expected that!) and drove west.
Kansas- Kansas is a long state. We stopped in WaKeeny. I asked at the front dest of the hotel about dinner places and was told to try the Western Kansas Steakhouse. It was good. Just down the block from that was an F-14. Yep, an honest to goodness Navy fighter jet.
Kansas -We are planning on getting pictures this morning of the fighter jet. I'll try to remember to post what the waitress said about why they have it later.

Colorado (we should be stopping at Jer's tonight.)
Other states that we will be passing through are (in no particular order)
Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Washington. And there is 1 more. I counted before we left that we were going to be going through 13 states but here I only count 12. I'll find out what the next one is later.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

more yarn

There was a sale. I couldn't help myself. I bought 3 skeins of Sugar and cream, 2 skeins of a really neat verigated yarn and 5 skeins of thread. I know why buy more thread but it was mostly white with silvr glitter. It will be perfect for snowflakes. Now I just need to get more patterns that I like for snowflakes.
I finished my yarn stash spreadsheet. I am counting even the little tiny bits of yarn as skeins. If they are big enough to make yo-yos with at least, I will be counting it on my stash. That is why my stash is 237 skeins now. But lots of them are little scraps.
I am working on a blanket for my youngest for his stroller. I am going to try to make it smaller and with straps to tie to the stroller. I just finished 1 thing for my hubby. He is a big paintball player and I make him stuff when I can. He needs a cover for his hopper and 2 covers for the air tanks. I just finished 1 of the tank covers.
Need to run to work on the blanket now.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Finished Projects!

I finished the baby blue granny rectangle afghan and even better...
I finished the sweater for Tristan! I've only been working on it for at least 9 months. I haven't had the chance to take a picture yet but I will this weekend when I put it on him.
Right now I am working on some snowflakes for my CAL and then I am going to try to knit a hat for my cousin in Iraq. Then if, or when, the knit hat drives me completely crazy, I'll find a crochet pattern for one instead.
Off to work on more snowflakes now.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

more stuff

You will notice that I bought yet more yarn. I know that I said that I wasn't going to buy more but this one skein should let me finish the sweater for my son. Besides, I used 3 partial skeins for yo-yos so my total is going down. That is always good!

Sweater for Tristan
Blue granny rectangle baby blanket
Yo-Yo afghan
finish up my spreadsheet of yarn stash (yes, I am a geek)
2 scarves with Bernat Matrix
Knit sweater for me
Flashlight and drink holder for Tristan's bed
Snowflakes - 10
Yo-Yos - 100
Yarn Stash 154 skeins
bought 1 skeins used 3 skeins total 152 skeins
Need pics for Grandma B's shawl. I also need to get other pics up here.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Shawl for Grandma B - finished
Blue granny rectangle baby blanket
Yo-Yo afghan
finish up my spreadsheet of yarn stash (yes, I am a geek)
2 scarves with Bernat Matrix (that new yarn that I couldn't resist)
Knit sweater for me
Flashlight and drink holder for the toddlers bed
Snowflakes - 10
Yo-Yos - 58
Yarn Stash no change
Stash 154 skeins bought 0 skeins used 0 skeins total 154 skeins

Regarding the Yo-Yo afghan, I decided that I going to try to make all the yo-yos and then when it is time to put it together I am going to just randomly pick out ones from a bag and join them. It should be nice and wild then!